The 6-month Private Coaching Program + Online Course for Authors

Millions of people dream of being a published author.


You actually did it.


But somewhere along the way... writing stopped being fun.


You've lost access to the creative flow you loved.

Past "failures" - the manuscripts that died on submission, the book that underperformed -  are a weight around your neck.

Even success makes writing harder. What this next book doesn't sell as well? What if readers don't like this new direction? 

You dreamed of this career, and you worked so hard to make it real, but now that you have a book deal, you're more stressed than ever.

You find yourself wondering if all the sacrifice was worth it.

It IS worth it... and it's possible to fall back in love with writing.
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Client Testimonials

YA author

I've gained so much clarity on what I want and what I don't want as an author.

I've been able to hone in on what MY dream is as an author, versus being fixated on an externalized "dream" that I've been told I should want.

YA author

Isabel's questions help me get really specific about what I do - and don't - want for both my writing and my career in publishing.

It's so easy to compare ourselves to others in our productivity-hustle-girlboss culture; it turns out I was feeling like a failure about not doing things that I don't even WANT to do.

Historical Fiction Author

Isabel helped me tell new, more productive stories about the work I’m doing, allowing me to walk away from a writing session feeling proud instead of defeated.

I am working more than I have been in a long time, and am finally able to take a day off without guilt, which is a major win for me.

The Essential Skills You Need

Confident author careers don’t happen by accident. 
They’re created. 
YOU can create a sustainable career (one that you LOVE) no matter what's currently happening with your publishing experience. 
All it takes is few key skills, and inside The Confident Author Academy, you'll learn everything you need.


The Online Curriculum is Broken into 4 Pillars:

It's hard to enjoy writing when you're afraid your next book will disappoint readers.

That’s why we start with The Joyful Writing Protocol. You’ll learn research-backed mindset tools that help you stop stressing about your Amazon ranking and stop reading reviews.

Once we’ve laid a solid foundation, we take it to the next level by tapping into your story instincts.

You’ll learn my proven 4-step process for consistent writing that builds momentum in your story and makes it easier to access creative flow.

As authors, we don’t just write books. More than ever before, our publishers expect us to take an active role in marketing our books.

In The Authentic Marketing Method, we'll take the confusion and overwhelm out of marketing so you can get back to doing what you do best: writing something new.

To navigate this opaque industry, you need a solid sense of your own self-worth that’s separate from the value of your stories that’s also separate from what you get paid for those stories.

This allows you to set healthy boundaries, say no to things that don’t work for you, and navigate deadlines with ease.

I'm Ready to Apply

What You Get When You Join:


Immediate Access to the Online Curriculum 

As soon as you join the Academy, you get online access to the entire 4-pillar curriculum. Study the video content at your own pace to learn all the skills you need to create a confident, joyful,
sustainable career.

The online curriculum is available through my website and via an app for on-the-go learning.


22 Private Coaching Sessions


Learning concepts is great, but actually putting them into practice is where the real change happens. As a master certified life coach, I am trained to help you change your brain and shift your beliefs about your career. We meet once a week for 45 minutes during our six months together.


Session Recordings & Notes


All of your sessions are recorded and uploaded into your client portal so you can rewatch powerful coaching moments to deepen your learning. You’ll also find notes from each meeting so you can refresh your memory on any of the decisions you make during our calls.


The 90-Day Burnout Free Journal 


I created this 90-Day Burnout Free Journal for myself and found it so effective that I knew all my clients needed it, too. The PDF is available for download in the Academy’s online lessons.
I'm ready to schedule a consult!

The Confident Author Academy is Enrolling Now

How to Apply:


  1. Schedule a free consult. Use the calendar below to pick a time that works for you.  


  2. During the confidential Zoom call, we'll talk about your current writing life and your long-term author goals.

  3. This is our chance to connect and decide whether the Academy is the right fit for you.

  4. If we're a "hell yes" coach/client match, I'll send you the payment link. Immediately upon payment, you'll get access to the online curriculum. 


Don't go another day dreading the career you dreamed of creating. The Confident Author Academy gives you all the tools you need for a sustainable, joyful career in publishing.

Schedule Your Consultation