How to Write Consistently without Hustle

Hosted by Caitlin Fisher & Isabel Sterling

If you’ve been caught in a procrastination loop, this workshop will get you back to your book without using pressure or shame to get to the page.


You’ll learn why you deep clean your kitchen instead of rewriting the scene on your to-do list.


You’ll understand why you check social media after every new sentence … only to find you’ve wasted 20 minutes scrolling on your phone. 


And, best of all, you’ll know what skills you need to develop to stop avoiding your book without falling into the sneaky traps of hustle culture. 


If you want easy access to creative flow, you need a way to write consistently that feels FUN.

This one-hour workshop teaches you the REAL reason you avoid writing (and how to solve it!) so you can get back to a sustainable writing habit that lets you tap into creative flow.









There will be a replay, but only those who attend live get to ask questions about their unique situation.

Meet Your Presenters:

Isabel Sterling

Isabel Sterling is a traditionally published YA author and Master Certified Life Coach. Inside their 6-month private coaching program, The Confident Author Academy, they help authors write consistently, access creative flow, and love their careers.

Their books include: These Witches Don't Burn, This Coven Won't Break, and The Coldest Touch. 

Caitlin Liz Fisher

Caitlin Liz Fisher is first and foremost an entitled millennial who absolutely thinks society should do better. They're an anti-capitalist coach, author, and podcaster, on a mission to help people in the neurodivergent, disabled, and queer communities tell their stories through supportive coaching and courses about writing and creativity.