Rewriting Your Author Story

Hosted by Isabel Sterling: Author & Master Certified Coach

The stories we tell affect EVERYTHING.

When you learn how to rewrite your author story, you can write consistently without burnout, have more fun, and grow your author career. 

By the end of this workshop, you will:

  • Learn the components of a personal story

  • Understand how your current story has created the writing life you have today

  • Learn the 4-step process to rewriting any story about yourself, your work, and your place in the publishing industry

  • Have the tools to go from "I know what to do" to actually DOING those things. 

  • Walk through examples of rewriting author stories & get your specific questions answered

As an author, you're an expert storyteller.


While this is a massive asset for writing novels... We often (unintentionally!) use this superpower against ourselves.


We convince ourselves that stories like "I'm too slow" or "everyone else is better at this" is a fact.


It's not. It's a story. A story that impacts your ability to write, market, and sell your books.


It's time to learn how to Rewrite Your Author Story so that it serves you.


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About the Presenter

Hi! I'm Isabel.

I'm a traditionally published author and Master Certified Life Coach.

Inside my 6-month private coaching program, The Confident Author Academy, I help authors just like you:

  • Calmly navigate the emotional ups and downs of the publishing industry
  • Write consistently and more easily access creative flow
  • Simplify marketing so they spend less time on social media and more time writing their next novel
  • Enjoy time off from writing without feeling guilty or worrying they'll fall behind

My books include: These Witches Don't Burn, This Coven Won't Break, The Coldest Touch, and the forthcoming With All My Haunted Heart (coming Fall 2026 from Berkley | Penguin Random House).