
The Confident Author Academy

Enrollment for the June 2025 Cohort is happening April 23-30.

Millions of people dream of being a published author.
You actually did it.
But somewhere along the way... writing stopped being fun.

You've lost access to the creative flow you loved.

Past "failures" - the manuscripts that died on submission, the book that underperformed -  are a weight around your neck.

Even success can make writing harder. What if this next book doesn't sell as well? What if readers don't like this new direction? 

You dreamed of this career, and you worked so hard to make it real, but now that you have a book deal, you're more stressed than ever.

You find yourself wondering if all the sacrifice was worth it.

It IS worth it... a
nd it's possible to fall back in love with writing.

It’s possible to wake up excited to write. To go to bed proud of the work you accomplished.

To feel the spark of joy you used to get when writing was your hobby instead of your job. 

It's possible to love your books–and feel confident in your writing skills–no matter how many copies you sell or what hiccups happen in the publishing process. 

Shifting from stress, overwhelm, and burnout to confidence, sustainability, and creative flow only takes a few key skills, 
and that’s what you’ll learn inside The Confident Author Academy.

Join the Waitlist

Client Testimonials

"Isabel is absolutely someone you want in your corner! She knows how to guide authors and help them both reframe the experiences and challenges they're having and tap into their own individual goals and desires. In the same way that I feel every human should have an amazing therapist, I feel  every author should have an amazing coach like Isabel."

-Kim DeRose, YA author

"Isabel's questions help me get really specific about what I do - and don't - want for both my writing and my career in publishing.

It's so easy to compare ourselves to others in our productivity-hustle-girlboss culture; it turns out I was feeling like a failure about not doing things that I don't even WANT to do."

-Jessica Spotswood, YA author

"Isabel helped me tell new, more productive stories about the work I’m doing, allowing me to walk away from a writing session feeling proud instead of defeated.

I'm working more than I have been in a long time, and am finally able to take a day off without guilt, which is a major win for me."

-Historical Fiction Author

It's time to thrive as an author.

Confident author careers don’t happen by accident. 
They’re created. 
And you don't need to wait for a new book deal to feel better. You can start enjoying your career right now.
Once you join the Academy, it doesn't take long to go from surviving to thriving.
Join the Waitlist
Applications open April 23rd.

The Essential Skills You Need

Transforming your relationship to writing and publishing requires one key skill:

Managing Your Mind.

You're a novelist. You already know how powerful stories are.
Every day, your brain tells you thousands of stories about your career. Those stories can either push you towards burnout (I'm too slow, I'll never finish this book; my publisher doesn't believe in me; my story ideas are too quiet) or they can inspire you to build a sustainable, successful career that you love.
The curriculum inside The Confident Author Academy will teach you everything you need to know to shift those stories.

Here's What You'll Learn:

Foundational Mindset Tools

It's hard to enjoy writing when you're afraid your next book will disappoint readers.

That’s why we start research-backed strategies to help you navigate the emotional ups and downs of writing and publishing. You'll learn how to change the stories you tell about your career without slipping into toxic positivity.

Your Confident Author Identity

Owning your identity as an author is essential to building true confidence.

You'll learn how to define a version of success that fits your personal values and goals instead what everyone says you should want out of your author career.

Consistent Writing Process

A successful author career means building a body of work. Being able to write another book is non-negotiable.

Learn my proven 5-Step Consistent Writing Process that builds momentum in your story, reduces procrastination, and makes it easier to access creative flow.

Deadline Management System

Deadlines are a way of life for authors, but they don't have to suck the joy out of writing.

Learn how to meet tight deadlines, ask for extensions without shame (or worrying your editor will be disappointed in you), juggle multiple projects, and do it all without burnout.

Authentic Marketing Method

As authors, we don’t just write books. More than ever before, our publishers expect us to take an active role in marketing our books.

You'll learn how to nail your pitch, promo your book without feeling salesy, get comfortable with visibility, and simplify social media so you spend less time scrolling and more time writing your next book.

Book Launch Protocol

Launching your book can amplify all your author insecurities and push you into overwhelm. You want to give your book its best chance, but you're also busy working on the next one.

Learn how to decide your marketing strategy, navigate book reviews, plan a release week that centers your enjoyment, and recover quickly from the post book release blues. 

The Business of Being an Author

As an author, you aren't just a storyteller. You're a small business owner
. And business comes with money, taxes, and so much more.

In the final pillar of the Academy, learn how to stop people pleasing, feel confident managing your money, understand the terms in your contract, and set healthy boundaries. 

Join the Waitlist
Applications open April 23rd.

Meet Your Coach

Hi! I'm Isabel. I'm a traditionally published author and a Master Certified Life Coach.

After experiencing massive burnout with my debut (and seeing so many of my peers struggle, too), I made it my mission to dismantle hustle culture in publishing. 
Since launching my coaching business, I've helped hundreds of authors break up with burnout and put the fun back in their fiction careers.
In my private practice, I've worked with everyone from agented writers working toward their first sale to New York Times bestsellers and authors with 10+ books on shelves.

Wherever you are in your author journey, I've got you. 
Join the Waitlist
Applications open April 23rd. 

Coaching: The Secret Sauce of Author Success 

Transforming your writing life takes more than good information.

Otherwise, everyone with access to the internet would easily slip into creative flow, meet deadlines without burnout, and overcome jealousy with a simple google search.

Obviously, that's not how it works.

That's why I don't sell this curriculum as a standalone program. 

The lessons I've curated are phenomenal... but they only work if you implement them on a regular basis. 

And that's where coaching comes in.

Coaching is the secret sauce that takes you from knowing what to do to actually doing it.

You get all the support you need to change the way you're thinking, take action on your goals, and then follow-up to troubleshoot anything that didn't go according to plan.

If you've never been in a group coaching program, here's what you can expect: 

Everyone in the cohort will join the Zoom call, and whoever wants coaching that day can raise their virtual hand. In the hour session, Isabel can typically coach 3-5 different people.

On the days you aren't coached directly, watching your colleagues receive coaching can inspire you to make changes in your own career, too. 

It's common for participants to say "I don't need to go today. The coaching you gave her was exactly what I needed to hear!" 

And on the days you're really struggling, being seen and supported by the group will help you feel less alone and increase your resilience to get to the other side of your current challenge.
Join the Waitlist
Applications open April 23rd.

Program Details

The Coaching:

The group consists of 20 coaching calls over a 6-month period. All calls take place on Thursdays at 3pm eastern. The specific dates are:

June: 12th, 19th, 26th

July: 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st

August: 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th

September: 4th, 11th, 18th

October: 16th, 23rd, 30th

November: 6th, 13th, 20th

You'll get access to recordings of each call with 24 hours, so even if you can't attend a session live, you can still benefit from the coaching on your schedule.

The Community:

The June 2025 Cohort is capped at 10 authors.

This ensures everyone gets adequate support and attention during the course of the program.

Small group experiences are powerful for lasting change.

Shifting the way you think is challenging, especially when you're surrounded by people who still believe the old stories that you're trying to unlearn.

By doing this work in a group setting, your connection with your peers reinforces your new, more sustainable way of thinking. You grow faster because of the community.

The Bonuses:

Curated Discord Group:

Connect with your peers, celebrate wins, and get support without toxic positivity or dismissive "at least you have X" comments.

Isabel is personally in the Discord Mon-Fri, so you never have to wait for help. Ask a question anytime you get stuck or need a burst of inspiration to get back to the page.

One Private Coaching Call:

In addition to the group calls, you get one 30-min private coaching session with Isabel. Use this call to go deeper on any topic you choose, get coached on something private, or receive detailed support on something time sensitive.

Immediate, Lifetime Access to the Academy Curriculum

You get access to all the lessons inside the Academy as soon as you enroll, so you don't have to wait until June to start making major changes in your writing life. Then once coaching begins, you can review lessons between calls for even faster learning.

The Investment:

One-time payment of $2,000.

OR: 6 monthly payments of $350. 

When your application is approved, you'll receive an email with a link to submit your payment via credit or debit card.

You'll have 72 hours to make your payment to secure your spot.

You'll also receive a receipt via email.

Coaching is a tax-deductible business expense for most authors (check with your tax pro to be sure). 

Join the Waitlist

Applications Open April 23rd


How to Apply


Written applications open on Wednesday, April 23rd and close on April 30th.
Isabel will personally review all applications. Acceptance decisions are made on a rolling basis but will come no later than May 2nd. 
Sign up for the waitlist to get notified as soon as applications are open. The group is capped at 10 authors.

Join the Waitlist

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question I didn't cover?

Email me at [email protected]